Wilhelm Raab and the fall of the Rosicrucian Imperator Gary L. Stewart

Wilhelm Raab and the fall of the Rosicrucian Imperator
Gary L. Stewart.

An excerpt from my book: "Wilhelm Raab, Großmeister der Rosenkreuzer: Eine Biographie" (Wilhelm Raab, Grand Master of the Rosicrucians: A Biography)."

#amorc #rosicrucian imperator #Wilhelm Raab #Gary L. Stewart #CR+C #rosy cross
Translated from German to English with th google translator

After the death of the Imperator Raplph M. Lewis in 1987, Gary L. Stewart was succeeded as Imperator. After a few years there was an affair that led to the separation from Stewart in 1990. It was about money, more precisely about a few million dollars that Stewart is said to have put into dubious investments. However, Stewart believed that he was Imperator for life. He then founded his own Rosicrucian Association, the "confraternity of the Rose and Cross CR+C", which is mainly active in the american area. Stewart likes to discribe my father Wilhelm Raab as the culprit and instigator who was responsible for this all. In a discussion group on Amorc it says about my father: 
"Well, althoug he may have been one of the chief players or instigators with regards to the debacle 1990 - 1993 (the trial of Stewart) and its preparation, I would not be willing to be quick in making him out to be the arch villain that some people make him appear to be."
Therefor I want to briefly describe how the matter presented to my father and what he told his closest circle in confidence. He received news from Christian Bernard that Stewart had invested several million dollars in an dubious and risky investment business in Andorra. Before his appointment, Stewart should have said that he had worked in an american finance ministry. It was only now that it was found out that he had performed servant activities there, such as walking dogs. This was obviously mentioned in such way that one should have to classify him as a fraud and a dubious person. Now he has fallen for an investment fraudster and he has transferred large amounts of money, which the order is the owner, to Andorra, among others. 
The precarious thing about it was that the German Grand Lodge had a peculiarity in its financial structure: the Imperator was considered the (first?) Chairman of the german Amorc and he had a power of attorney. So he would have had the legal possibility to withdraw all money from Amorc Germany overnight.

At that time there was no serious reason for my father or his closest co-workers to doubt what Christian Bernard said. From this perspective it is understandable that my father saw an urgent need for action. I well remember noticing a hint of fear in his voice and facial expressions. First they tried to keep the money safe, in accounts that Stewart had no access to. As far as I know, that succeeded in part. Of course, my father was also very involved in "cleaning up" this matter. There was a legal battle in California and even a trial that lasted from 1990 to 1993 and in which the allegations against Stewart could not be proven. The newspapers there had reported on it in detail. As far as I can tell, the main initiator of this whole action was Christian Bernard, then Grand Master of the French Grand Lodge. After the fall of Stewart, he became the new emperor. One could already see a motive for an "assasination".

A few years later my father was himself boxed out of office by Chriatian Bernard using methods that can be described as excessive and inadequate. At that time he asked me wether it was not too easy to believe Bernard's statements during Stewart affair? At the same time he drew a thoughtfull, almost sad face.
Gary L. Stewart takes a radically different take on what happened. 
Accordingly, he was simply tricked. 
I cannot judge what is true and what is not. Since I know Christian Bernartd personally, I would strongly advise you to be particularly critical of his statements.

The original interview with Gary L. Stewart can be found at: 

Finally, I would like to say that my father acted in good faith. It would never have occured to him to promot or sponsor Christian Bernard, let alone to participate in an intrigue for his benefit. For one thing, he never took part in intrigues, and for another, he didn't have a very good opinion of Christian Bernard. He fully agreed with Watermeyer's assessment of a "soap seller". My father always viewed Christian Bernard as a person who did not have the necessary character traits for a finer, higher spirituality. I agree with this view!

My father had never spoken to me about Stewart, either positively or negatively.

Both Christian Bernard and Stewart claim to have been chosen by Lewis to succeed him. 
Then one of them is a brazen liar. But it is also possible that Lewis actually told both of them that they should one day be his successors. Indecision? Changed mind? Mentally confused? Bad game? In any case, not a good omen for an order that subscribed to the highest cosmic principles.

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