Wilhelm Raab and the fall of the Rosicrucian Imperator Gary L. Stewart

Wilhelm Raab and the fall of the Rosicrucian Imperator Gary L. Stewart. An excerpt from my book: "Wilhelm Raab, Großmeister der Rosenkreuzer: Eine Biographie" (Wilhelm Raab, Grand Master of the Rosicrucians: A Biography)." #amorc #rosicrucian imperator #Wilhelm Raab #Gary L. Stewart #CR+C #rosy cross Translated from German to English with th google translator After the death of the Imperator Raplph M. Lewis in 1987, Gary L. Stewart was succeeded as Imperator. After a few years there was an affair that led to the separation from Stewart in 1990. It was about money, more precisely about a few million dollars that Stewart is said to have put into dubious investments. However, Stewart believed that he was Imperator for life. He then founded his own Rosicrucian Association, the "confraternity of the Rose and Cross CR+C", which is mainly active in the american area. Stewart likes to discribe my father Wilhelm Raab as the culprit and instigator who was responsible for...